السبت، 7 يناير 2012


Tortoise reptile are cold blooded, their body is protected Bdriqh solid, there are two types of turtles and some of the first ground water and marine species of marine turtles are called.

And turtles share the same characteristics of all reptiles, including:

- Breathe Britin (terrestrial and aquatic turtles as well).

- Have a heart consisting of two atria and one ventricle.

- Adjust to body temperature with the external environment.

- Have a leather reinforced Bhrashiv cornea.

- Lay their eggs in a dry place and almost embraced.

- Structure composed of bone tissue.
Not for the turtle's beak teeth, but semi-strong force up the pressure to 80 kg grind its food. On the floor turtle move slowly because of the short edges and the weight of Drguetha therefore struck by the example of the slowness and also set an example in the rabbit sprint so there were frequent stories that tell the world about a race between the tortoise wins despite its slow because of its insistence. When the wild turtle Aldriqh be like the dome in the marine turtles are flatter and more streamlined to fit swimming in the water.

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