السبت، 7 يناير 2012


Dolphin mammal of the family Aldlvenih  water, and the rank of aquatic animals live in all oceans and seas except polar seas, a familiar Akoshovh and coastal waters, but rarely close to shore or shallow water.
Dolphins breathe air, so it is up to the surface of the sea to breathe the air and then Taus in the water again.
The Dolphin lung and one only, which is breathing involuntary because he spends much of his time under water, forcing the meantime to refrain from breathing, and when sleep remains a part of his brain is working to maintain governed by breath, and it remains one of the Guinean open during sleep.
Pregnancy lasts 11 months when the dolphins, dolphins and breastfeed her children a whole year, and usually become very dolphin fully sexual maturity after 3 or 4 years of her birth, she lives (25-30 years).
Research also revealed that he heard the dolphin is so slender that it can pick up any sound under water at a distance of 15 miles.

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