السبت، 7 يناير 2012

Arabian Oryx

Arabian Oryx from herbivory, where a grass main food of Maha, and after a rainfall sponsor Oryx in the areas of grass with a short life but during the dry period, the oryx feeds on the leaves of trees, where moving oryx in the bushes in search of leaves in trees such as acacia.
One of the main features of this type of deer ..
Large eyes, which seem Kalmkthlh; where surrounded by dark color tends to black. Clearly, language is a bright white, and may be the label of the blank of this deer, which is characterized by and classify all other deer when considering the distance of the most important temperament antelope, in general, is the reluctance and her escape quickly when you feel that there is haunted, and when the move away from it a sufficient distance pay attention to, and then run away again more Mmeltjih to her house (Almknas), was launched on the reluctance and distancing itself scared the name of (Mmerma); P (clonus) antelope that is, it scared those who fled to haunt him.
Nabati poets have excelled in the UAE in the shooting described a distant Balodhristi where perception moves cantonments and the same pride and ego and pride and feeds those who pursued.

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