السبت، 7 يناير 2012


Here we review the divisions of the chicken in terms of use, and the strains and the use of each strain, and the types and sizes, and commercial species known of them ..........
In the old divisions of chickens were divided into two main sections:
A - Department of Ornamental
B - Production Department.
The production department was divided into two main groups:
1 - chicken egg production.
2 - dual-purpose chicken. 
1 - chicken egg production:
What is meant by a specialist in the production of chicken eggs, followed by a chicken:
A - standard types:
Such as Alljhorn - Alminorka - Alancona - Andalusian blue.
The Alljhorn of the most standard types in the production of eggs and sexually mature at the age of 5-6 months and given 250-300 eggs / year, range egg production in other species between 200-250 eggs / year.
B - strains specialized in the production of eggs:
Called the camel's commercial egg production, such as: Alhevr - Alisabrown - hi Forums - Hi-Line - including what is given to eggs with a shell structure, and eggs with shell white, and the average production in those strains of 300-340 eggs / year, and these strains are given eggs While the standard types are given fertilized eggs, which are small chicks to spawn.
In general, types of egg production is characterized by the following characteristics:
1 - triangular body shape.
2 - light-weight active movement.
3 - do not tend to lie.
4 - bear high temperatures.
5 - early sexual maturity.
6 - nervous.
7 - ear lobe white.
2 - Chicken dual purpose:
A chicken that can be given to the production of eggs and meat production, as it carries genetic factors that allow him to do that within the species and dual-purpose Albulmyot Rock - Alouanidot - Alldorkenj - Alchornc - Alsasks - Alnjohambshir. Body size and ranges between 4.2 to 8.3 kg and egg production of 150-200 eggs / year.
It features dual-purpose chickens following:
1 - the oval shape of the body.
2 - heavy weight slow motion.
3 - tends to lie.
4 - can not stand high temperatures.
5 - sexual maturity late.
6 - quiet printing.
7 - ear lobe to the color red.
It is worth mentioning that there is no record types specialized in the production of meat, but there are commercial hybrids or strains such as, for example: Alhebrd - Allohemen - Alarberaekerz - Cobb - Ross, which can be marketed on the age of 6 weeks with an average weight of 1.75 - 2.00 kg.

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