السبت، 7 يناير 2012


Goats need to:
- Flock does not require that the herd is composed of large numbers is enough to be with her only one.
- Provide daily diet of hay and green grass and trees.
- Diversification of the diet varied energy-rich vitamins and minerals, especially during pregnancy or lactation.
- Provision of clean water to them.

- Do not restrict the free survival.
- Providing adequate shelter her to sleep and protection from the heat or cold.
- Milking a regular basis.
- Vaccinated against the disease.
- Trim hooves every four - six weeks.
- Visit the veterinarian at the disease.
Age of goat
10 to 14 years. 
Puberty when goats
- From four to six months of birth.
Gestation period of goats

Five months.
The number of young
One - four.
Weaning when the goats

- Start small goats to eat is yogurt after 10-12 weeks of birth. 
Disarmament centuries goats
- After the birth of three - seven days.
Dealing with goats
- Goat intelligent animals need to be dealt with intelligently and calmly.

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