السبت، 7 يناير 2012


Bee creature eats a good, good comes out good, and wise men said: In order to reap the honey bee hive does not crash.
Live lives of social bee a great degree of organization, types of thousands in number, and customs vary greatly, and both front wings and the arteries are connected to each other, live many kinds of them in large colonies consisting of three layers are:
Dipset, and males and queens, and consists colony of bees from several thousands of worker bees, and hundreds of male and female, and one lay eggs are the Queen, and leave the queen cell and fly where Aqahha a male and then spend most of her life made white, and when they hatch the egg out of which larvae have no legs , In the Kingdom of bees take care of this young great care.
The greatest benefit derived from the human bee is that it is in vitro, as trees and crops with pollen on its body overlying hair Vtnqlha from flower to flower.
Built hives of wax, and honey bees important to man, and to combine manufactured by entry of pollen and nectar of flowers made of pollen that bees fed bread by the larvae transformed into nectar honey stores to be used in winter.
The entry of bees all work in the cell, and the honey bee is the most active objects, and defend the same style for the bee, which is famous for its racing.

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