السبت، 7 يناير 2012


Butterfly ..
Is an insect of the rank of Ebedopetra, and belongs to the family over the Hspiroaudia (masters) or Babellonaudia (the rest of the butterflies).

Types of butterflies

Types of butterflies, shapes and colors, butterflies and insects are the most brilliant, and when she turns the wings, many of which live for several weeks, until the period of mating and the birth of new generations of them.

And some of these butterflies spend her life Kergh barbed black, grow and live for a few weeks is a period of glory _ _ Kvrashh with gorgeous orange pattern.

Including the great white, which is also known as (Alkrnnbh white) Aftam such as cabbage caterpillar.

Including the purple-haired planned, and the color of the rainbow Koloan wings, flying too high.

The butterfly (Morpho) or diamond-shaped, and is one of the largest butterflies in the world, issued their wings and flashes luminous as they move from tree to tree.

The butterfly (Apollo), flash fly from one flower to another, across the slopes of the mountains and hills and fields.

The small copper butterfly, known as the front wings copper color that tend to orange, fly over the land and gardens Almtahah very quickly.

Princess and the butterfly red (Admiral), and is one of the most butterflies in size and color, a butterfly quick and powerful, when you cut large areas of their migration.

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