السبت، 7 يناير 2012


Caribou is the rest of the Arab dynasty extinct once lived in the region, and its dependence on water frequently and need permanent for the life of a multi-species plant in addition to the caves that sheltered them from the harsh natural conditions, so it can be said that the Arab caribou animal is adapted to desert life.
Male caribou characterized Bakrunh square and italics for the color black, which is on the back, and during the winter months becomes obsolete dander caribou very coarse texture with a hoops-like term, characterized by female caribou with its horns small and free of markings. The height of caribou lists about 60 centimeters and the total length about 90 cm.
Characterized by caribou by drawing on the different types of food, including fruits, small trees, grasses and grains, similar to those the types of food you eat goats pets, so is the caribou Arab competitor for pets, and have disappeared caribou in many areas that are home to his preferred because of the emergence of goats, donkeys and other threats to the lives of caribou relies on a permanent source of water, and unlike many other mammals adapted to desert life, the caribou dealing with water on a regular basis, so took advantage of the fishermen in the past of this property as they do ambush of Uaol near water sources isolated.

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