السبت، 7 يناير 2012


Ostrich birds that do not fly, the largest bird on earth as it is birds eating grass, not a bird of prey, rising up the ostrich about 3 meters (to the top of the head) and weighing up to about 150 kg. And are of a small head and long neck is covered with feathers and beak short and broad Ohdabha eyes and a black beard and feet Taiwiltan The Jnahaha Vgosairan is equipped to fly and to compensate, but that the enormous speed of the enemy. With ostrich sense of vision strong as well as they have a long neck consists of 19 paragraph bone, which helps to detect more space than other animals, can not ostrich to kick with his foot to the back or to one of the sides, but kicking with his foot to the forward force of up to more than 200 pounds / square inch is the kick ostrich fatal, life of up ostrich for more than 70 years old, egg ostrich is the largest egg birds in size and weight compared to the size of any egg of any other bird, where weighing up to about 1.5 kg and with this they are smaller eggs compared to the weight of the ostrich mother, where represent only 1% of the weight of an ostrich. And ostriches live primarily on plants, but eats some food and animal hunt ostrich feathers for luxurious and therefore, are threatened with extinction due to excessive hunting.

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