السبت، 7 يناير 2012


Houhaoan ungulate mammal of ruminants species of bovids, living in Africa and Eurasia and North America ranges from high-Ghazal between 60 and 90 cm and weighs between 18 to 25 kg, so Vgesmh appropriateness of the enemy fast. Legs and long neck, short tail, females smaller than males. The male and female horns but the horns of the female more accurately than the horns of the male, enjoy the sight of a strong sense of deer, as well as powerful Bhacta heard the tattoo, a social animal deer live in herds, the sense of smell helps deer in the search for food. Ghazal vegetarian and eat grass, leaves, Ghusun, as well as renewable plant sprouts in the spring merely deer quickly, and can jump to a height of two meters.

Of deer eyes and spacious Sodawan, and for males and females have horns black smooth. Including his two horns graduated rings around them. Usually the centuries in the form of horseshoe. And deer ears Taiwiltan Nhiltan Mudbbtan, and a short tail. And his hair short and smooth. And on the convoy of some deer hair tuft. The color of the back tends to Thomson Gazelle and light brown shading to dark brown lines on the flank. The color is pure white belly. And deer, fast runner, and can be preceded by some of the deer until the Whippet Alahjra

The height of the famous Ghazal light brown and is sometimes called Bghazal role of the Cup, or aryl, less than 60 cm, and live in the deserts of Morocco to the mid-east India, south to Somalia, where the plants are scattered and short

Ghazal and extinction
Kills fishermen who ignore the laws of fishing hundreds of deer each year, while still advocates the protection of the environment to prevent deer hunt could keep some types of extinction. In Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States and some Arab countries had reserves deer growing interest, and seek the protection of wildlife and the environment to develop the kinds of fear from extinction, especially as the animals with a history of Arabic long in the Arabian Peninsula, which is pasture naturally to such animals rare

Types of deer
Red deer - aryl Ghazal - Ghazal thorny century - Thomson's gazelle - gazelle

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