السبت، 7 يناير 2012


Owl of birds night prey distinctive in the world of birds, they are characterized by sense of sight the powerful and night it seems evident from the large size of their eyes sharp insight, which is fed in the rats, rodents and insects, it is so deserved the title of cleaner environment and a friendly farmer, and even The album is the only bird who can look with both eyes to one goal, so the order you see around the blessed ability to spin her head at an angle of up to 270 degrees, in addition to distinguish severe night-vision feature that not only matched the cats.

Owl has the unique property, namely, the Pacific Aviation, a voice, do not create their wings during flight, so do not run away mice and rodents cautious nature. And is capable of flying at the age of 6 or 7 months.


Butterfly ..
Is an insect of the rank of Ebedopetra, and belongs to the family over the Hspiroaudia (masters) or Babellonaudia (the rest of the butterflies).

Types of butterflies

Types of butterflies, shapes and colors, butterflies and insects are the most brilliant, and when she turns the wings, many of which live for several weeks, until the period of mating and the birth of new generations of them.

And some of these butterflies spend her life Kergh barbed black, grow and live for a few weeks is a period of glory _ _ Kvrashh with gorgeous orange pattern.

Including the great white, which is also known as (Alkrnnbh white) Aftam such as cabbage caterpillar.

Including the purple-haired planned, and the color of the rainbow Koloan wings, flying too high.

The butterfly (Morpho) or diamond-shaped, and is one of the largest butterflies in the world, issued their wings and flashes luminous as they move from tree to tree.

The butterfly (Apollo), flash fly from one flower to another, across the slopes of the mountains and hills and fields.

The small copper butterfly, known as the front wings copper color that tend to orange, fly over the land and gardens Almtahah very quickly.

Princess and the butterfly red (Admiral), and is one of the most butterflies in size and color, a butterfly quick and powerful, when you cut large areas of their migration.


Animals are cold-blooded vertebrates that live in
Water, there are many types of fish more than 27,000 type, making it more
Diverse vertebrates. Of fish scales and fins and gill (gill) breathes.

Some fish live in fresh water in lakes, rivers, marshes and some live in salt water in seas and oceans.

Some fish are small and a length of 1 cm or less and some other large and long may
Up to 15 meters in length and weight to 15 tonnes as in the shark and the whale.

More species of fish is a staple food for humans, and fish species that are
More desirable than others, such as carp Carp Cod and cod and herring
Herring and sardines Sardines and Tuna Tuna.

Most species of fish have bones and some other species such as sharks have no bones
It is a real cartilage. Some scientists do not consider it a real fish, but most
People call it fish.

Some other types of animals that live in the sea such as the Star of the Sea
Starfish, jellyfish Jellyfish also called fish but not fish
Does not contain the bones of her body, as well as other type of aquatic organisms known
Organisms such as molluscs with shells of various molluscs, and crustaceans such as there
Shrimp, shrimp and crabs.


Warm blood vertebrate oviparous egg featuring a two-foot blades, and mutation of the parties Alomamihojnhh, in addition to the hollow bones.
Birds are beautiful animals with a sonorous voice and look stunning. As well as that of the singers arts teacher. Birds is of a warm blooded animals which are of different types is known, including about 9000 species, covering her body feathers, with wings, most of them can fly and some of them can not fly, birds have hollow bones that helping them to fly, and her legs with skin Mahrishv usually and multiply by bleaching.


Lamb is a pet, the length of the head and body about 150 cm and a height at the shoulder and about one meter, and weight ranges from 40-80 kg.
Food Lamb:
Live sheep in the pasture grass, as it is beloved pets to humans, where the sheep prefer grass and herbs of all kinds.
Benefits of the Lamb:
Thick wool of the sheep used in the manufacture of clothing and cover, etc., and after treatment and spun and woven and dyed. Jlodh also used in many skin products. Lamb and delicious food and nutritious for the body. 
Lamb and a famous story about Mu'aadhah Anbariya used and benefited from everything from sheep that was then.
The family of the Lamb:
With a female name, which the sheep for 180 days, and then give birth to small or small, is called the Son "Download", and suckle young for 9 months. The male is called the "ram", and both (female and male) is called the Lamb, a family cow - sheep


Here we review the divisions of the chicken in terms of use, and the strains and the use of each strain, and the types and sizes, and commercial species known of them ..........
In the old divisions of chickens were divided into two main sections:
A - Department of Ornamental
B - Production Department.
The production department was divided into two main groups:
1 - chicken egg production.
2 - dual-purpose chicken. 
1 - chicken egg production:
What is meant by a specialist in the production of chicken eggs, followed by a chicken:
A - standard types:
Such as Alljhorn - Alminorka - Alancona - Andalusian blue.
The Alljhorn of the most standard types in the production of eggs and sexually mature at the age of 5-6 months and given 250-300 eggs / year, range egg production in other species between 200-250 eggs / year.
B - strains specialized in the production of eggs:
Called the camel's commercial egg production, such as: Alhevr - Alisabrown - hi Forums - Hi-Line - including what is given to eggs with a shell structure, and eggs with shell white, and the average production in those strains of 300-340 eggs / year, and these strains are given eggs While the standard types are given fertilized eggs, which are small chicks to spawn.
In general, types of egg production is characterized by the following characteristics:
1 - triangular body shape.
2 - light-weight active movement.
3 - do not tend to lie.
4 - bear high temperatures.
5 - early sexual maturity.
6 - nervous.
7 - ear lobe white.
2 - Chicken dual purpose:
A chicken that can be given to the production of eggs and meat production, as it carries genetic factors that allow him to do that within the species and dual-purpose Albulmyot Rock - Alouanidot - Alldorkenj - Alchornc - Alsasks - Alnjohambshir. Body size and ranges between 4.2 to 8.3 kg and egg production of 150-200 eggs / year.
It features dual-purpose chickens following:
1 - the oval shape of the body.
2 - heavy weight slow motion.
3 - tends to lie.
4 - can not stand high temperatures.
5 - sexual maturity late.
6 - quiet printing.
7 - ear lobe to the color red.
It is worth mentioning that there is no record types specialized in the production of meat, but there are commercial hybrids or strains such as, for example: Alhebrd - Allohemen - Alarberaekerz - Cobb - Ross, which can be marketed on the age of 6 weeks with an average weight of 1.75 - 2.00 kg.


Ducks: Albttiyat type of the species of waterfowl.
Duck and fresh water rivers, such as black ducks and Khudayr,
And ducks, sea ducks, such as whole fish,
And domestic ducks, such as Beijing duck with a white
And body long and weighs about 4 kg bleaching around 150 eggs per year
Where raised for the purpose of his flesh-known in China and benefit from the feather.
Strange Things ducks and that the voice of ducks is not the echo.
Types of ducks:
As well as from other types of ducks ducks Damietta relatively small-scale
Where the duck weighing about 2 kg it raised for the purpose of which is the meat and eggs
Which produces about 100 eggs a year.
A Rouen duck with gray, Cape Verde
And takes the structure of the neck-and-white lines.

The Project Video

Video displays student work......